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Nulite New Energy ASHP Energy-saving Heating System for Village Houses —— "Coal to Electricity" Project

Nulite New Energy ASHP Energy-saving Heating System for Village Houses —— "Coal to Electricity" Project


Nulite New Energy ASHP Energy-saving Heating System for Village Houses —— "Coal to Electricity" Project


The demand of space heating area of Qingshan village  is up to 49000 square meters, which is one of the most important of "Coal to Electricity" Projects in Heilongjiang Province, including 286 ordinary wilage houses, hotels, hotels and supermarkets. The heating indoor units mostly are floor heating system and radiators.

news-NULITE-Nulite New Energy ASHP Energy-saving Heating System for Village Houses —— Coal to Electr

"Nulite New Energy" air source heat pump adopts intelligent temperature control system, which greatly meets the personalized heating needs of users and maximizes energy saving while ensuring comfort. 

news-Nulite New Energy ASHP Energy-saving Heating System for Village Houses —— Coal to Electricity P

After used the Nulite air heat source pump heating system, the local villager Mr. Liu made a caculation,said that  "in the past, my family used more than 3 tons of  coal in each heating period, which cost more than 3000 yuan. Now I use the Nulite air heat source pump heating system. The electricity charge is about 10 yuan a day,so 1500 yuan for a winter is basically enough, which is half less than  before.Otherwise it's convenient to heat the rooms for 24 hours without work comparing with tranditional boiler.


Qingshan village "Coal to Electricity" Project in Northeast China, which is a high-quality project of Nulite New Energy Heat Pump company . "Nulite New Energy " has always focused on the application innovation in the field of air energy, actively responded to the government's policy, adhered to passing on the concept of clean and heating to every consumer, and is committed to making a better life for people.
